MethodGroupe worked with the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County to promote tourism in the Palm Beach area with bright and engaging creative that encouraged target audiences to think of Palm Beach as “more than just a city,” but as a cultural destination.
Cultural Council for Palm Beach County Case Study
Create a viable cultural tourism program targeting affluent, well-educated travelers with ultimate goal of becoming one of a handful of premier U.S. tourism destinations based on the attractiveness of its arts and culture
Baby boomers from the Northeast & the Florida drive market
How to make Palm Beach a popular tourist destination in a sector with many long-standing, reputable vacation sites, known for the arts, that come to mind first
MethodGroupe presented the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County with two campaign concepts – “I Am Palm Beach” and “It’s a State of Mind” both colorful, visually-engaging creative approaches that bring life to the idea of Palm Beach as “more than just a city,” but as a cultural hotspot and destination for lovers of fine art.